Thursday, January 2, 2014

Passengers, fasten your seat belts for take off...

       The anticipation is building as I leave for Costa Rica early Saturday morning. I am extremely excited for this adventure and I pray that everything will go smoothly. I am most excited about the warm weather, new culture and hanging out with Taylar Miller for four months. The fact that I get to leave this arctic temperature for 75 degree weather is very comforting. I am a little nervous about living in another country for four months away from all my friends and family but I know I will be able to meet so many new people. Another concern is my Spanish speaking but my mom has polished my skills a little bit over break. 
This snow will not be missed

It has been a little stressful trying to get all of my belongings to fit in one suitcase that weighs less than 50 lbs. I had my suitcase packed and then I put it on the scale and it registered 62.7 pounds so I had to take out quite a few items. 
62.7 lbs I guess I have too many clothes

Preparing myself for the trip, I read “the ten commandments of study abroad.” The commandments that stuck out the most to me were:
-          Thou shall not expect to find things as thou hast at home, for thou hast left home to find  things different (you mean there are not going to be hot showers? NOPE)
-          Thou shalt not worry for he that worrieth hath no pleasure and few things are that fatal (Great to remember…RELAX)

This past week I have been reading about Costa Rica and I found some interesting precautions when it comes to food such as:
-          Do not put ice in drinks
-          Don’t brush your teeth with tap water
-          Don’t eat grapes (advice from my mother) 

Can't wait for the fresh fruit
The directions that I got from my host family to get to their house are as follows: Zapote, Barrio Cordoba de Auto Bohio 100 sur, 50 oeste, case de alto a mano izquierda, casa color naranja, palo de cas, cuarta casa. (Addresses in Costa Rica are done a little differently and they are not as specific as in the United States, I hope I can find my house when I arrive on Saturday night)
Veritas is the University where I will be studying while I am in Costa Rica
I have been anticipating this adventure for many years and I am very excited to learn from every conversation and experience I have. I will be updating my blog at least once a week with many stories. Please pray for a safe experience and a great time in Costa Rica!